Uniquely Women


Today, women earn, control, and inherit more money and assets than in previous generations. Women currently control $10 trillion – a third of total financial assets. Impressive indeed. Women, however, face unique challenges linked to careers, unpredictable life events, and the necessity to secure retirement accounts for a longer life expectancy.

Regardless of your socioeconomic circumstances, you deserve to have the confidence in your financial life and decisions that thoughtful financial planning makes possible.

Here are some tips to help:

Gain Knowledge

  • There is never a better time to begin than right now.
  • Be involved. Financial knowledge today will lay the foundation for generations to come.
  • Seek a seasoned financial expert to guide your investing.

Invest in Yourself

  • Establishing financial goals can help you achieve the most from your financial resources.
  • Make assessments, utilizing guidance from an investment professional.
  • Utilize an increased understanding of money management guides to aid your investment decisions.
  • Contribute as much as you can when you can. Paying yourself first is a healthy habit to develop.
  • Our team of trusted credentialed professionals will help you identify a vision with goals to implement a plan for delivering financial peace of mind.


  • We are passionate about meeting you wherever you are on your financial journey. FinTrust Capital Advisors will combine a consultative approach that is uniquely tailored to you!
  • Our team of experts is available to empower you in shaping and aligning life goals with financial resources so that you may live a richer life.



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