Is the Home Office Deduction Right for You?

Paul Gordon, CFP®, Senior Vice President, Investment Advisor

If you work from home, do you know how to benefit when filing your annual tax return?

Join Paul Gordon for an informative video and learn about the requirements to claim the home deduction.

Paul Gordon

Paul Gordon, CFP®

Paul works with a diverse group of clients to help meet the numerous and varying priorities and goals of individuals and companies. Paul puts a heavy emphasis on helping to establish plans for each client while prioritizing individuality using a wide array of financial vehicles and instruments tailored to the client’s particular needs and values. He monitors the plans frequently with the client by his side to adjust for life changes and unexpected events, which helps keep the plan fluid and nimble enough to continue meeting goals even with unforeseen circumstances.

Prior to joining FinTrust, Paul was a CFP™ at Raymond James Financial Services. He spent the majority of his time and efforts developing and installing individual and corporate retirement plans. His responsibilities included researching and implementing individual security selections into client portfolios while maintaining an emphasis on equity call writing. Other responsibilities included helping with the establishment and monitoring college savings plans. Paul also guided clients through various insurance needs with a stress on Long Term Care.

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