10 Things to Understand about Bulls: Insights from the Jackson, WY Rodeo
1. Bulls can be tough to ride for 8 seconds, even for experienced cowboys.
- Lesson for Investors: Bull markets will try and buck you off. Hold on tightly.
2. Bulls are larger than bears.
- Lesson for Investors: Bull markets will typically last longer than bear markets.
3. Bulls and cows can be tough to corral once a stampede starts.
- Lesson for Investors: It can be dangerous once a stampede starts. The running of the bulls causes more harm than bears (see part 1, #11).
4. Young bulls come out of the chute fast making them hard to lasso.
- Lesson for Investors: Be ready to throw your rope and hold on as new bull markets start fast.
5. Bulls and cows are pack animals.
- Lesson for Investors: Sometimes you may feel late arriving to the party, but that is how the herd rolls. Look for the crowd – what products and services are they buying?
6. Wyoming was the first state to grant women the right to vote and politically participate.
- Lesson for Investors: Women live longer, so they should be active investors too.
7. There was a sheep chase for the kids.
- Lesson for Investors: Consider 529 plans so your children or grandchildren can chase the sheepskin.
8. There were lots of twists and turns in the barrel races.
- Lesson for Investors: Despite the twists and turns in the barrel races, the youngest rider was about 8 years old. There are long term advantages to starting early because the older riders were really moving fast.
9. The clowns play an important role.
- Lesson for Investors: You may find your financial advisor is a stupid clown at times, but he is trained and there to protect you.
10. Faith, country, risk and return. It’s the American Way.
- Lesson for Investors: The rodeo started with prayer, the national anthem, and an announcement that rodeo is a dangerous sport, but that the cowboys are excited for the opportunity to go win some prize money. Sounds about right for the stock market
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